Taylex Wastewater Treatment systems
What is a Taylex Wastewater Treatment System?
Taylex Wastewater Treatment Systems are safe, environmentally sound, reliable, and cost-efficient. Their advanced systems use natural processes to turn your household wastewater into clear, odourless water.
Secondary treatment systems are the most commonly used systems in Australia. They treat your household wastewater to very high quality, allowing you to reuse your water in areas closer to your home and neighbouring properties, often above ground, with complete peace of mind. Secondary Treatment Systems are designed to treat all the wastewater that is generated by your home. The wastewater includes the sewage (black water) that is discharged from the toilets and bidets and the sullage (grey water) that is discharged from sinks, washing machines, dishwashers, showers, and baths. Your Taylex ABS treats wastewater in an environmentally sustainable way by making use of the naturally occurring bacteria that are present in the wastewater. The system is designed to hold the polluted or degraded water in a series of compartments where various types of bacteria can flourish and in doing so, “treat” the water, naturally, without dangerous chemicals or additives. Secondary Wastewater Treatment Systems are sometimes known by different names in different areas. Here are some of the names you might have heard; Home Sewage Treatment Plant (HSTP) Secondary Treatment System (STS) On-site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems (AWTS) Aerobic Treatment Units (ATU) Aerobic Septic Systems Wastewater Treatment Systems.
How do Taylex Wastewater Treatment Systems work?
All household wastewater from your bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, and laundry naturally flows into your Taylex Wastewater Treatment System using gravity.
The first stop for your household wastewater is in the ‘Primary Chamber’. Here solids will naturally sink to the bottom, and fats and oils will naturally float to the top, leaving a clearer “Supernatant Zone” in the middle. This zone will transfer to the next stage of treatment.
Next is the ‘Secondary Chamber’. Further settling happens here. Again, water from the middle flows onto the next stage. In a traditional Septic System, this is where the journey would end, and effluent would now be pumped onto your property and into our environment, relying on sand or soil to do the rest. With a Taylex Wastewater Treatment System, there are still four more steps to produce clean, clear, safe water for your yard. If you have an ABS-NR there is an additional Bio Block in this chamber that encourages further separation of solids.
The ‘Aeration Chamber’ is next up. This is where the magic happens. Your quiet, reliable, energy-efficient Nitto Blower sends oxygen into the chamber through tiny bubbles. These bubbles pass through a specially designed structure called “Bio-Mass”. Bio Mass is designed to trap air bubbles to feed naturally occurring ‘Aerobic bacteria’. These microscopic Eco-Warriors are now working hard, chomping through most of the remaining organic matter, polishing the water, and eliminating odour.
Step four is in the ‘Clarification Chamber’. More settling occurs here. Once settled to the bottom, this potent mix of Aerobic bacteria and fine particle solids is recirculated to the Primary Chamber to keep it healthy and working hard (not smelly).
The final step in the treatment process is the ‘Disinfection Chamber’. The water gets a ‘kiss’ goodbye from our Chlorinator, which removes any harmful bacteria, viruses and pathogens. Using less chlorine per litre than your average swimming pool, the system removes any harmful bacteria, viruses and pathogens.
Step Six Lastly, when the Disinfection Chamber fills up, your dependable irrigation pump automatically switches on to send your water out to do its job in your yard. Crystal clear water irrigates your designated area and returns safely to nature, continuing a healthy water cycle.
Why choose a Taylex Wastewater Treatment System?
If you live in an area that does not join a council sewer, you need to treat your home’s wastewater on-site using a Home Sewage Treatment System. Taylex Advanced Secondary Wastewater Systems act like a mini municipal treatment plant, utilising the good bacteria that naturally occur in your home’s wastewater to consume the harmful bacteria. By installing a Taylex System, you can reclaim your household wastewater and obtain clean, clear water to irrigate your yard. The treated water from your Taylex Advanced Secondary Wastewater System is 65 times cleaner than septic tank effluent and at least 5 times cleaner than most other treatment systems.